Hello and welcome to the middle of July! Where has the year gone? Love summer because of all the sunshine, but I do not especially "like" the hot weather. Luckily here in San Jose, CA our weather has been fairly mild, with a warming trend into the 80's expected next week.
One of the reasons I love living in CA is the weather, for the most part we do not have extremes, ie, high temps or low temps. Sometimes we do get hot (over 100), but usually that just lasts a few days and is bearable for the most part.
Hope those of you who are experiencing the heat wave are coping well, remember to drink lots and lots of water and stay cool! I keep checking the weather in Pensacola, Florida (our son is there awaiting his training for the Marines) and see nothing but thunderstorms there. Our son mentioned how different the clouds are in Pensacola, as he put it "tall, not flat like our clouds."
Anyhow, enough of the that dribble! Time to get to the real deal, crafting!
The 2011 Summer CHA starts on July 18th, and there are so many GREAT links out there for new products, papers and stamps! Here are some of the things that I have been finding:

Fiskars: New punches, really like the border punches that are going to be at CHA.
Cottage Cutz: Lots of cool new dies here for July, check out the long list of other die cuts available, something for everyone (and the prices are good too!)
Ameircan Craft "Hollyday" collection: Lots and lots of cute things here, love the paper and all the embellishments!
Crafters Workshop Stencils: These are excellent stencils and can be used in many ways, from inking to using stencil paste, great additions to your paper crafting tool kit. The link takes you to some of the new designs being debuted at the 2011 Summer CHA.

Pink Paislee: Amazing new Vintage papers and embellishments, you are going to love the colors and designs!

Check out this link to see a video of the new powder.
Graphics 45: New ABC Primer Stamps, love the design and retro look! Check out the link for more images of the new stamps.
Ok, that is all for today, but I will be posting on Facebook as well, make sure to stop by there for more CHA news.
Have a great week, and I will try to post early next week as CHA video's, news and pictures become available.

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