Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Freebies, and some other stuff : )

Happy FINALLY Friday! I had the day off and got a few things done today, including getting the basket of clothes folded and put away. Also fooled around and made a card, played with some water color paper and unmounted a few more stamp sets.

In playing with the water color paper I can state without any bias that the better the water color paper, the better your results. Look for a comparison here soon, but the bottom line is that blending your colors on 140 lb paper gives you very good results, and 90 lb gives you ok results. Anyhow, that will be another day.

On with the Friday Freebies! I have one "freebie" for you that isn't a link, but it is something you can do when you are out running errands. If you happen by a hardware or home improvement store, stop in and grab some of their paint chips to use on your cards. Paint chips now come in very large sized squares, and the colors are amazing! You can stamp on the paint chip, but you have to either heat dry or emboss, depending on what ink you use.

I grabbed a whole lot of them from two stores yesterday (my daughter shook her head), because I wanted to experiment with them and report the results to you later. So far they are very easy to work with, but do have their limitations, however they are a GREAT freebie right under your nose.

Ok, now, on to the links:

  • Printable Minis: This is actually a site for dollhouses, however, many of the downloads can easily be used with your cardmaking, such as the pirates map. Lots and lots of really cut minis here for you to download and use as embellishments.
  • Package Tech: Great templates for boxes, including directions! There is also a whole bunch of seals for you to print on sticker paper.
  • Digital Women: A whole bunch of planning pages to print out, lists and more. Print them out, cut them up and use the various parts on your cards.
  • Textile Designs: Print these out to use on your cards, check out Mel Stampz for the directions on how to create some lovely cards ( and thanks to Mel because that is where I found the link to the designs).
Hope the list keeps you busy for a while tonight. Enjoy the rest of the evening and do something fun tomorrow!


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