Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mel Stampz: A must visit blog

Usually I post a number of links to things, but today I am going to focus on what has to be one of the very best blogs out there, Mel Stampz.

What makes this blog so good? It is simply amazing! She has a collection of tutorials, templates and techniques that is one of the most extensive I have found. Not only that, but her links and information are excellent resources.

The card on the left features a "Sparkly Rain Background," and it is but one example of the wonderful things you will find on Mel's Blog.

There are literally hundreds of Templates on her blog (either from her or links to templates on other blogs), here are just a few of the ones I really liked, and as I click around there are more and more to like!
  • 3 x3 Note Card Purse Box: You are just going to love this template! A cute purse to hold your 3 x 3 cards, make a few of these to give as gifts, just adorable.
  • 7 Flower Pop Up: Here you find a sample of a card, and then a link to the tutorial. Really cool card and something you might want to bookmark.
  • Embossing Embroidery Patterns: Links, links and more links to embroidery patterns that you can print out and use for scrap booking and card making. She also has a tutorial on how to emboss the images with glue, another way to really punch up your cards with an endless supply of images online. Make sure to go to the end of her post because there are a ton of links to free embroidery patterns.
When you are done with all the templates (and I have been clicking for an hour now and am no where done), try the Techniques page (better get another cup of coffee before you click that link, as you could easily spend a few hours clicking away). Here are a few links I liked:

  • Faux Bleach Technique: A must try! She has two sets of directions, both very easy to follow, with amazing results.
  • Faux Stitching: Here she shows you how to do a flower stem, and after you finish reading her great tutorial, there are a ton of links to other tutorials on this techniques. I am going to have to take some time to visit these and then post some of the better ones.
  • Stamping with Lumiere: Amazing technique, results you are just not going to believe. She takes you through the whole process step by step.
Mel Stampz has a collection of links that will keep you supplied with some of the best stamping ideas out there, but I will warn you now, do NOT visit her blog unless you have a minimum of an hour, and even that is far from enough time.

I have also saved her site on the "Best Blogs" list on the left here, so if you forget where you might have book marked it, just stop by here and search the list.

Wow! Now I really have to get over to my crafting area and try some of these techniques. Hope you enjoy visiting her blog as much as I have.

Tomorrow I am going to post on an AMAZING site for videos, make sure to set aside some time to view this collection that has videos on just about anything and everything you can imagine.

Have a great Saturday (wow, for a change I actually got this post up before noon!), and an even better Sunday.


  1. BLUSH!?! I am so supremely flattered. Thank you so much for the link love! You're TOO kind, :0) mel

  2. Hi, just came over to say hello, was going to pay all the sisters a visit but i think i'm going to check this blog out, sounds great. Take care Donna SBS18 x

  3. this all sounds great - your blog is so interesting! off now to check out mel's



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