Friday, May 30, 2008

Sisterhood of the Blogging Stampers-18

My name is Jacquie, live in San Jose and love to stamp! Actually, I also love to garden, cook and write political blogs.

Facts about me? Have lived in the Bay Area all my life, went back to school in my 40's (I am still in my 40's, but barely) and graduated with a BS in Public Relations. I work as a Fitness Coach at our local YMCA and love my job.

I recently got back into stamping as I was learning how to use watercolors. When I was fooling around with the watercolors I thought...why not pull my stamps out and use them for a "base" and well, all hell broke loose from there : )

I used to have a craft room, but our daughter moved back home and all my craft supplies moved into the shed in the backyard. There they sat for over a year, lonely and unused. Then I got on an embroidery kick (still do a bit of that), and then went to the watercoloring...which brought me full circle back to stamping ; )

We don't have a large house, so finding room to have a dedicated stamping spot was hard, but it was needed as I had taken over the family kitchen table, for some reason my family wanted to eat together, can you imagine? Anyhow, one day I figured out that I could rearrange a few things in the family room and this is where I now stamp:

This is how the area looks when you are in our kitchen

This is a picture taken from the opposite side of the room

I started this blog because my bookmark folder was getting way too full and hard to organize! Also, I have been just amazed at the quality of the blogs out there already and wanted to get them listed in one place.

That is about all for now, thanks for reading a bit about me : )


  1. I love your crafting area! I just have to use my kitchen counter and haul everything up from the basement!

    Glad you started a blog looking forward to reading it more!

  2. Hi Jacquie!
    Welcome to Sisterhood! Your little corner of the world looks fab to me! I have a whole room, but my problem (?) is that the more room I have, the more stuff I buy to fill it up! Now, is that really a problem???? Ask my husband!
    Have fun on your excursion...and buy something great!
    Your sister,
    Anne Marie

  3. Hi Jacquie, your crafting area is fab. Thanks for coming over to my blog to visit me, the weather here in ireland is beautiful today, these days are very rare so we have to make the most of them, maybe a bbq later. I have never been to America but i am being treated to a girly 5 day shopping trip to New York in March next year to celebrate my 40th Birthday, i can't wait, i've started saving my spending money already he he. x

  4. What a well organised crafty area!! Thanks for your kind comments on my cards, which has really cheered me up as I'm feeling a bit low at the moment.
    Welcome to SBS18!

  5. Hi, i've tagged you - check my blog for details!!!

  6. Welcome to SBS18! I think you've done a fabulous job of setting up your craft area in a tight space! I have a small room that I share with my husband! I craft while he's on the computer.:)Glad you stopped by my blog. Look forward to reading more on yours!
    smiles, Deena

  7. Your crafty area looks fabulous!!

  8. Your crafting area is much tidier than mine! I like how organized you have your things.

    SBS 18

  9. Welcome to the sisterhood! Have finally found some time to get my blog updated with all the new sisters. Thanks for taking a look at my blog and your comments so far - I really appreciate it! :)
    Your crafting corner looks very organised - much more so than mine! LOL
    Your sis


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